Universities Alliance

Mandates exist because we let them… they will end because we demand it.

Take back your rights!

Universities Alliance South Africa stands for freedom of choice, informed consent, and the South African Constitution. We welcome South Africans of all walks of life, both vaccinated and unvaccinated, who are willing to stand against this all-out assault on our liberties.

Mandatory vaccination policies, such as those proposed at many South African universities, entail a violation of students’ and staff members’ Constitutional rights, including:



Section 9

Human Dignity

Human Dignity

Section 10

Freedom & Security of the Person

Freedom & Security of the Person

Section 12



Section 14

Freedom of Religion, Belief & Opinion

Freedom of Religion, Belief & Opinion

Section 15



Section 29

Never again!

Say NO to neo-apartheid!

Hold overzealous decisionmakers accountable!